The role of sport in our life

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The role of sport in our life:
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The role of sport in our life.
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The role of sport in our life.

Sport is a very important part of human life.
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Sport is a very important part of human life.

It is very popular among people of all ages.
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It is very popular among people of all ages.

It makes people healthy and keeps them fit.
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It makes people healthy and keeps them fit.

You know that physical training is a compulsory subject in our schools.
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You know that physical training is a compulsory subject in our schools.

Many schools have different playgrounds where children can play and do exercises.
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Many schools have different playgrounds where children can play and do exercises.

Many people do their morning exercises.
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Many people do their morning exercises.

There are different kinds of sports:
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There are different kinds of sports:

I like swimming and volleyball. Sport helps people to be happy, healthy, more organized and strong.
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I like swimming and volleyball. Sport helps people to be happy, healthy, more organized and strong. I like to dive very much. I like to swim in a swimming – pool which I attend every winter.

Thank you for your attention!
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Thank you for your attention!

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