Sport and Games

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Пл. №13 Презентация открытого урока английского языка «Sport and Games» Преподаватель: Букатникова Татьяна Александровна г.Магнитогорск 2007 г.
Sports and Games Aims: To develop the Habits of Oral Speech and Reading. To Introduce New Words. To develop the Pupils’ Wish To be Strong and Healthy.
Do you want to be healthy And quick o your toes Do you eat your food slowly Do you breath trough your nose. Yes, I want to be healthy And quick on my toes I eat my food slowly I breath through my nose.
Remember the Words. Take part ------- принимать участие Competition ------- соревнование. Win the game ------- выигрывать. Lose the game ------- проигрывать. Team ------- команда. Score ------- счет. Take place ------- проходить. Ice palace ------- ледовый дворец. Sportground ------- спорт площадка. Go in for ------- заниматься. Prefer ------- предпочитать.
Make up Expressions shopping chess swimming hockey football running skiing skating racing tennis sightseeing basketball play do go
Choose the Correct Answer 1. Did you take part in any competition? 2. Did you win the game? 3. Did you lose the game? 4. What was the score? 5. Were you glad? 6. Where did the game take place? 7. How many players were there in your team? 1. 5:3 2. We won the game. 3. We were glad. 4. There were 11 players. 5. We didn’t lose the game. 6. In the sport ground. 7. I took part in football competition.
Key Words take part competition win the game lose the game team score take place ice palace go in for sport ground prefer winter sports different sports
Answer the Questions 1. What is the most popular game in the USA. 2. Why do the teams wear special clothing and helmets? 3. What game is especially popular in high schools among boys and girls? 4. What popular summer sport in the USA do you know? 5. What winter sports do people go in for? ____________________________________________________ Skiing, boxing, wrestling, to be hurt, football, basketball, baseball.
Football in the USA Football is the most popular game in the autumn. There are professional football teams in all the main cities, of the USA. In American football there are eleven players in each team, as in ordinary football, but the rules are different players are of ten hurt in American football. So the teams wear special clothing and helmets as in hockey. Hockey in Russia Hockey is ….
Remember the Expressions. Choose the Correct Translation. 1. To have a long history 2. For the period of Games 3. To become the symbol, of peace and friendship 4. To renew a tradition 5. The significance of sport 6. The Olympic movement 7. Representatives of all countries 8. The number of participants 9. The city-host for the Games 10. The selected city 11. The world’s sportive life а) значимость спорта f) выбранный город b) на период игр g) олимпийское развитие с) представители всех стран h) стать символом мира и дружбы d) иметь длинную историю i) город – «хозяин» игр e) возобновить традицию j) мировая спортивная жизнь k) количество участников
Speak about the Olympic Games. 1. The Olympic Games (начались в 777 году до нашей эры в Греции) 2. All the cities sent their best athletes to Olympia (чтобы соревноваться в Олимпийских Играх) 3. In 394 AD (Олимпийские игры были остановлены) 4. In 1894 year (был организован Международный Олимпийский Комитет) 5. Besides (в каждой стране есть Национальный Олимпийский Комитет) 6. The city – host of the Games (выбирается Международным Олимпийским Комитетом) 7. After that the selected city (начинает приготовление к соревнованиям) 8. Russia (присоединилась к Олимпийскому движению в 1952 г.) 9. The latest Olympic Games (проводились в 2006 году в Турине)
Make up Questions 1.Games ,the , when, Olympic, begin, did? 2.The, city, Games, Olympic, did, what, in, place, take? 3.The, symbol, they, did, why, become, Peace, and, of, friendship?
Check up the Questions. 1.When did the Olympic Games begin ? 2.What city did the Olympic Games take place? 3.Why did they become the symbol of peace and friendship?