Викторина о Великобритании

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Викторина о Великобритании:
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London is beautiful, London is old, London is foggy, London is cold. Buckingham Palace with wonderfu
1 слайд

London is beautiful, London is old, London is foggy, London is cold. Buckingham Palace with wonderful halls, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and St. Paul’s Kensington Gardens, Hyde Park, Peter Pan, Admiral Nelson and Christopher Wren… Bridges and palaces, faces and rain, Oh, how I wish I could see them again. Викторина о Великобритании

Big Palace Trafalgar Park Hyde Paul’s St. Ben Buckingham Square Westminster Abbey The Houses of Jack
2 слайд

Big Palace Trafalgar Park Hyde Paul’s St. Ben Buckingham Square Westminster Abbey The Houses of Jack Union Parliament

Big Ben Trafalgar Square Hyde Park St. Paul’s Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey The Houses of Parl
3 слайд

Big Ben Trafalgar Square Hyde Park St. Paul’s Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey The Houses of Parliament Union Jack

Викторина «Визитная карточка Великобритании»
4 слайд

Викторина «Визитная карточка Великобритании»

А 1 А 2 А 3 А 4 А 5 Л1 Л 2 Л 3 Л 4 Л 5 Ш 1 Ш 2 Ш 3 Ш 4 Ш 5 У 1 У 2 У 3 У 4 У 5 1 2 3 4 5 Шотландия С
5 слайд

А 1 А 2 А 3 А 4 А 5 Л1 Л 2 Л 3 Л 4 Л 5 Ш 1 Ш 2 Ш 3 Ш 4 Ш 5 У 1 У 2 У 3 У 4 У 5 1 2 3 4 5 Шотландия Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс Лондон Англия

Англия 1 What is the flag of England?
6 слайд

Англия 1 What is the flag of England?

Англия 2 Two oldest universities of England…
7 слайд

Англия 2 Two oldest universities of England…

Англия 3 Does Eurotunnel differ from other railway tunnels?
8 слайд

Англия 3 Does Eurotunnel differ from other railway tunnels?

Англия 4 What is the unofficial symbol of England?
9 слайд

Англия 4 What is the unofficial symbol of England?

Англия 5 What is the favorite accessory of Elizabeth II?
10 слайд

Англия 5 What is the favorite accessory of Elizabeth II?

Лондон 1 Why does Norway present to London the New Year tree every winter ?
11 слайд

Лондон 1 Why does Norway present to London the New Year tree every winter ?

Лондон 2 What does “beefeater” mean?
12 слайд

Лондон 2 What does “beefeater” mean?

Лондон 3 What was the main sight of Trafalgar Square?
13 слайд

Лондон 3 What was the main sight of Trafalgar Square?

Лондон 4 What was the history of Big Ben?
14 слайд

Лондон 4 What was the history of Big Ben?

Лондон 5 What do you know about Stonehenge?
15 слайд

Лондон 5 What do you know about Stonehenge?

Шотландия 1 What is the highest mountain in Scotland?
16 слайд

Шотландия 1 What is the highest mountain in Scotland?

Шотландия 2 Why does the lake Loch- Ness is so popular among tourists?
17 слайд

Шотландия 2 Why does the lake Loch- Ness is so popular among tourists?

Шотландия 3 What is the capital of Scotland?
18 слайд

Шотландия 3 What is the capital of Scotland?

Шотландия 4 What can you say about territory of Scotland and its population?
19 слайд

Шотландия 4 What can you say about territory of Scotland and its population?

Шотландия 5 Scotland is the country of rich soil. Are you agree?
20 слайд

Шотландия 5 Scotland is the country of rich soil. Are you agree?

Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 1 What is the symbol of Northern Ireland?
21 слайд

Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 1 What is the symbol of Northern Ireland?

Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 2 “The Country of friends”…
22 слайд

Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 2 “The Country of friends”…

Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 3 In what country the majority of inhabitants speak Welsh?
23 слайд

Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 3 In what country the majority of inhabitants speak Welsh?

Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 4 Why do creative people like to visit Wales?
24 слайд

Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 4 Why do creative people like to visit Wales?

Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 5 When was a division of Ireland?
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Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 5 When was a division of Ireland?

Спасибо за внимание!
26 слайд

Спасибо за внимание!

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