Поурочное планирование Презентация used to

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Used to / Didn’t use to
When we talk about things
that we did in the past but don't do now
we can use the expression used to+ inf.
The negative form is didn't use to+inf.
We use be used to+Ving to say that we have
often done something and it’s normal.
We use get used to+Ving to talk about the
process of something becoming normal for us.
He used to be a man
He used to have blue eyes
He didn’t use to have green eyes
He didn’t use to be a Na'vi
Jake didn’t use to be a Navi.
He used to be a man..
He didn’t use to have blue skin.
He used to be tan.
He didn’t use to have green eyes.
He used to have blue eyes.
Princess Neytiri teaches Jake many things.
He is getting used to creating the bond with animals.
He is getting used to using a bow.
He is getting used to moving stealthily and balanced as Na’vi.
He is getting used to killing animals with respect.
Jake used to speak English.
He didn’t use to speak Na’vi.
He is getting used to speaking Na’vi.
He used to be disabled.
He didn’t use to ride an Ikran.
At first, it was difficult,
but he is used to riding an Ikran now.
He is used to riding a direhorse.
Choose the correct answer:
Jake ________ alone, but now he has a girlfriend.
Used to be
Got used to being
Was used to being
When Jake moved to Pandora he had to __________ his Avatar.
Use to control
Be used to controlling
Get used to controlling
Jake wasn’t the first Avatar in Omaticaya clan. So they _______
Avatars in their jungles.
Used to meet
Got used to meeting
Were used to meeting