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Поурочное планирование Across the curriculum

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1 слайд


What is a tornado?<br>A tornado is a very strong, rotating wind. It looks like a funnel coming down
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What is a tornado?
A tornado is a very strong, rotating wind. It looks like a funnel coming down from a storm cloud. When it reaches the ground, a tornado acts like a giant hoover

How long do tornadoes last?<br>Tornadoes can last from a few seconds to more than an hour<br>
3 слайд

How long do tornadoes last?
Tornadoes can last from a few seconds to more than an hour

How many tornadoes are there a year?<br>There are about 800 tornadoes a year in the USA<br>
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How many tornadoes are there a year?
There are about 800 tornadoes a year in the USA

What is the speed of tornado winds?<br>The speed of tornado winds can be from 72 to 300 mph(480 km/h
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What is the speed of tornado winds?
The speed of tornado winds can be from 72 to 300 mph(480 km/h)

Say why a tornado is dangerous<br>
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Say why a tornado is dangerous

Tornado Safety<br>If you are at home during a tornado:<br>Go to the lowest level of your house.<br>G
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Tornado Safety
If you are at home during a tornado:
Go to the lowest level of your house.
Get away from the windows.
Use your arms to protect head and neck.
If you are at work or school during a tornado:
Go to the basement or to an inside hallway at the lowest level.
Use your arms to protect head and neck.
If you are outdoors during a tornado:
If possible, get inside a building.
If shelter is not available or there is no time to get indoors, lie in a low-lying area or near a strong building.
Use your arms to protect head and neck.

Create your own  Tornado<br>1 Half fill a plastic bottle with water<br>2 Add tiny pieces of paper<br
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Create your own Tornado
1 Half fill a plastic bottle with water
2 Add tiny pieces of paper

Create your own  Tornado<br>3. Cover the top of the bottle with a piece of sticky tape<br>4. Poke a
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Create your own Tornado
3. Cover the top of the bottle with a piece of sticky tape
4. Poke a hole in the centre of the tape for the water to flow through

Create your own  Tornado<br>5. Turn an empty bottle of the same kind upside down on the first bottle
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Create your own Tornado
5. Turn an empty bottle of the same kind upside down on the first bottle.
6. Tape the openings together with waterproof tape

Create your own  Tornado<br>7.Turn the bottles  so that the one with water is on top.  <br>8. Swirl
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Create your own Tornado
7.Turn the bottles so that the one with water is on top.
8. Swirl the water around faster and faster

Create your own  Tornado<br>9. The water and tiny pieces of paper whirl like a tornado<br>10. Your T
12 слайд

Create your own Tornado
9. The water and tiny pieces of paper whirl like a tornado
10. Your Tornado is ready!

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