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Презентация по английскому языку по теме История Рождества Christmas

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Let’s find out…<br>How did we come to celebrate Christmas?<br>
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Let’s find out…
How did we come to celebrate Christmas?

Christmas is literally the day on which Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus.<br>The western date
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Christmas is literally the day on which Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus.
The western date for Jesus’ birth was chosen by Pope Leo I, bishop of Rome (440-461) This was the day of the solar equinox*, the shortest day of the year, which officially marked the halfway point of winter.

Leo thought it would distract his Roman **congregation from sun worship by celebrating the feast of Christ’s birth on the same day. He described Jesus as the “new light”; an image of ***salvation, but timely in that the days began to lengthen from 25 December ****onwards.

*Equinox – равноденствие, **congregation – паства, ***salvation – спасение, ****onwards - вперёд

The date of the feast varies within Christian denominations.<br> - Western Christians celebrate the
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The date of the feast varies within Christian denominations.
 - Western Christians celebrate the *Nativity on a fixed date, 25 December;
- Some Eastern Orthodox Christians celebrate it on 6 January together with **Epiphany;
- The Greek and Russian Orthodox celebrate Christmas on 7 January and Epiphany on 19 January.
*Nativity – religious way to say Christmas;
**Epiphany - Крещение

What are your thoughts?<br>Where did Christmas traditions originate?<br><br>
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What are your thoughts?
Where did Christmas traditions originate?

<br>It is true to say that the western Christmas began as a Christianized pagan feast. The Christmas
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It is true to say that the western Christmas began as a Christianized pagan feast. The Christmas tree is also a pagan symbol of fertility.

What are your thoughts?<br>Where did Santa Claus come from?<br><br>
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What are your thoughts?
Where did Santa Claus come from?

<br>The Santa Claus myth (spoiler alert: don’t read any further if you are under 10!) came from the
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The Santa Claus myth (spoiler alert: don’t read any further if you are under 10!) came from the legend of Saint Nicholas. Nicholas was a bishop in the city of Myra (in modern Turkey), who wanted to help poor young women get husbands. He left bags of money of the doorsteps of their family homes in secret, an anonymous gift to the poor to be used as a dowry.
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<br>Our modern image of Santa Claus as a rotund gentleman of a certain age dressed in a red-and-whit
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Our modern image of Santa Claus as a rotund gentleman of a certain age dressed in a red-and-white suit and matching hat comes from an incredibly successful marketing campaign by Coca-Cola in the 1930s. Since then, suburban Santas always dress in the image created by the Coke brand.
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