14 February St. Valentine

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St.Valentine was a priest. He lived in Rome. He was famous for helping loves. His finest falls on the 14th of February. This day is famous as St.Valentine’s Day. It is customary on the day to send a Valentine - a card with a message to someone you love, or to your best friends.
You can send cards to anyone you like. There are the special cards to: My Mother, Father, Husband, Wife, Sweetheart.
Valentine Poem Five nice valentines just for you! The fist one says, “My love is true”. The second one says, “You have my heart”. The third one says, “Let us never part.” The fourth one says, “Won’t you please be mine?” The fifth one says, “Till the end of my life.”
Instruction Colours your cards with red, pink, purple and yellow. Write: I love you. Be my Valentine. With love for you. Happy Valentine’s day.