Mini-project: «Foreign languages in my life»

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Mini-project: «Foreign languages in my life»:
Презентация на тему Mini-project: «Foreign languages in my life» к уроку по английскому языку

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It was done by the students of Sosnovskaya Secondary school №1: Aslanova Ina Zhukova Inna 11th form
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It was done by the students of Sosnovskaya Secondary school №1: Aslanova Ina Zhukova Inna 11th form B The teacher of English: Nadezhda Vladimirovna Kuprina Mini-project: «Foreign languages in my life»

The content: 1)The purpose - to show the importance of learning foreign languages. 2)The hypothesis
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The content: 1)The purpose - to show the importance of learning foreign languages. 2)The hypothesis : If foreign languages had not been so important in our life, we wouldn’t pay so much attention to it. 3)The problem question : Is it necessary to study foreign languages? 4)Other students’opinions. 5)A conclusion.

1. Our purpose: to show the importance of learning foreign languages for other students.
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1. Our purpose: to show the importance of learning foreign languages for other students.

The hypothesis -If foreign languages had not been so important in our life, we wouldn’t pay so much
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The hypothesis -If foreign languages had not been so important in our life, we wouldn’t pay so much attention to it. 1) Learning a second language is beneficial for all. Learning to speak foreign languages may be the best thing you can do to improve your life and open new doors.

the words. Nowadays a lot of Russian people listen to the foreign music. Believe, music is much bett
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the words. Nowadays a lot of Russian people listen to the foreign music. Believe, music is much better if you can understand the words.

Who doesn't know such films as «Twilight» and «Diaries of Vampires»? And if you know the foreig
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Who doesn't know such films as «Twilight» and «Diaries of Vampires»? And if you know the foreign language, you can watch them in their original form. Once you try it this way, you'll never go back to dubbed versions.

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4) Many celebrities from all over the world come to our country and if you know foreign languages yo
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4) Many celebrities from all over the world come to our country and if you know foreign languages you will be able to communicate with them. 5) It is also more easily to travel. Communicate with people wherever you go.

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In our future life, foreign languages will be useful for us. For example, My hobby is studying forei
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In our future life, foreign languages will be useful for us. For example, My hobby is studying foreign languages (Inna) .We think that without them it is impossible to exist. 3)The problem question : Is it necessary to study foreign languages?

Other students’opinions : Malvina 02.10.2008, 19:48 Nowadays without knowledge of foreign languages
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Other students’opinions : Malvina 02.10.2008, 19:48 Nowadays without knowledge of foreign languages you can’t find a good job. Karinka 02.07.2008, 00:42 Today studying of foreign languages is very important. It is necessary to know even one foreign language and even more... As for me, I study English and I’m going to study Spanish:)

Study foreign languages and you will not regret!
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Study foreign languages and you will not regret!

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