Let's Join a Pen - Friend Club !

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Let's Join a Pen - Friend Club !:
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A lot of children in different countries have friends. And you?
1 слайд

A lot of children in different countries have friends. And you?

Some People’s Ways of Communication
2 слайд

Some People’s Ways of Communication

How to write a letter? 1. an address 2.the beginning : greeting 3.the main topic 4. the ending.
3 слайд

How to write a letter? 1. an address 2.the beginning : greeting 3.the main topic 4. the ending.

We write a pen-friend’s address. Miss Irene Irvine / Mr Den Stuart, 17, High Street, London,GU 22, G
4 слайд

We write a pen-friend’s address. Miss Irene Irvine / Mr Den Stuart, 17, High Street, London,GU 22, Great Britain

We write our address. Street, Country/ Town. Today’s Date: 26 January 2008 or 26 Jan 2008 or 26th Ja
5 слайд

We write our address. Street, Country/ Town. Today’s Date: 26 January 2008 or 26 Jan 2008 or 26th Jan 2008.

The Greeting. Dear Irene, Hi! How are you? I’m sorry I haven’t written… Thank you for your letter…
6 слайд

The Greeting. Dear Irene, Hi! How are you? I’m sorry I haven’t written… Thank you for your letter…

The Main Topic. My name is… I live in… I was born in…… I’ve got a pet. It’s a … . Its name is… . My
7 слайд

The Main Topic. My name is… I live in… I was born in…… I’ve got a pet. It’s a … . Its name is… . My hobby is…. My favourite dish is… I like playing sports. I can… In summer I usually… In winter I often… Last summer/winter I … Next summer/winter I …

The Ending of the Letter. With friendly regards,…- Best wishes,…- All the best,…- Your friend,…- You
8 слайд

The Ending of the Letter. With friendly regards,…- Best wishes,…- All the best,…- Your friend,…- Your sign.

Writing Practice . Johny Atkins (22,Queen Street) is your pen friend from London.
9 слайд

Writing Practice . Johny Atkins (22,Queen Street) is your pen friend from London.

To a pen-friend club !!!
10 слайд

To a pen-friend club !!!

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