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1 слайд


87 42 Age 23 48
2 слайд

87 42 Age 23 48

Looks Good-looking handsome pretty beautiful
3 слайд

Looks Good-looking handsome pretty beautiful

Height and Weight overweight muscular Of medium build skinny
4 слайд

Height and Weight overweight muscular Of medium build skinny

Hair frizzy curly wavy Shoulder-length Beard and moustache bald
5 слайд

Hair frizzy curly wavy Shoulder-length Beard and moustache bald

Who is who? 58 34 43 23 48 78 86 36
6 слайд

Who is who? 58 34 43 23 48 78 86 36

Character adjectives patient optimistic sensitive and caring easy-going and sociable stubborn selfis
7 слайд

Character adjectives patient optimistic sensitive and caring easy-going and sociable stubborn selfish reliable shy sincere

Match the adjectives to their opposites. a. confident b. generous c. pessimistic d. flexible e. unre
8 слайд

Match the adjectives to their opposites. a. confident b. generous c. pessimistic d. flexible e. unreliable f. unsociable g. irritable h. impatient i. insincere j. insensitive 1. optimistic 2. shy 3. selfish 4. reliable 5. stubborn 6. sincere 7. sensitive 8. sociable 9. patient 10. easy-going

shy selfish reliable stubborn sincere sensitive sociable patient easy-going optimistic
9 слайд

shy selfish reliable stubborn sincere sensitive sociable patient easy-going optimistic

Tell your friend about the idea of going hiking. Suggest inviting a person whom your friend knows. G
10 слайд

Tell your friend about the idea of going hiking. Suggest inviting a person whom your friend knows. Give reasons. Mention some of his qualities. Agree with your friend and suggest inviting another person whom your friend doesn’t know. Describe this person. Ask some questions about this person. Support the idea. Reject the idea. Give reasons. Agree with your friend and suggest inviting one more person whom your friend doesn’t know. Describe the person whom you suggest inviting. Agree with your friend and set the time to meet together and discuss the details.

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