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Advantages and Disadvantages of living in the modern city and in the country

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Advantages and Disadvantages of living in the modern city and in the country:
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Advantages and Disadvantages of living in the modern city and in the country Учитель иностранных язы
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Advantages and Disadvantages of living in the modern city and in the country Учитель иностранных языков МОУ «Дашковская СОШ» Рудик Анастасия Сергеевна

Advantages and Disadvantages of living in the modern city and in the country
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Advantages and Disadvantages of living in the modern city and in the country

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Kolomna is situated on the banks of three rivers:
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Kolomna is situated on the banks of three rivers:

Life in the city is much easier than life in the country
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Life in the city is much easier than life in the country

The services are better here
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The services are better here

People in the city:
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People in the city:

Disadvantages of living in the city: Pollution: air pollution noise pollution
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Disadvantages of living in the city: Pollution: air pollution noise pollution

Disadvantages of living in the city: Urban garbage:
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Disadvantages of living in the city: Urban garbage:

Disadvantages of living in the city: High cost if living
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Disadvantages of living in the city: High cost if living

Advantages of living in the country:
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Advantages of living in the country:

Life in the countryside is Cheaper, peaceful, healthy
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Life in the countryside is Cheaper, peaceful, healthy

Thank you
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Thank you

Активные ссылки на использованные изображения: Изображение города: http://hvylya.org/wp-content/uplo
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Активные ссылки на использованные изображения: Изображение города: http://hvylya.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/panama17.jpg Изображение деревни: http://www.naselo.ru/upload/iblock/7df/1_1111774931_.jpg Изображение Коломны: http://stat17.privet.ru/lr/091c35ff73e64284b7c66bef491320ee Изображение людей: http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/7672/64463965.jpg

Изображение загрязнение окружающей среды http://im4-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=639104719-66-72&n=21
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Изображение загрязнение окружающей среды http://im4-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=639104719-66-72&n=21 Изображение «Noise pollution»: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_vdGNSowXeIY/STRWNJjUWII/AAAAAAAAADY/wR64w8bVn7o/s320/51EMQZ1X9AL__SL500_AA240_.jpg Изображение «Urban garbage»: http://www.featurepics.com/FI/Thumb300/20080129/Sea-Pollution-Urban-Garbages-596747.jpg Изображение «Thank you»: http://www.madisonrussianschool.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/thank-you-note2.jpg

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