Hello, boys and girls!

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Hello, boys and girls!:
Презентация на тему Hello, boys and girls! к уроку по английскому языку

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1 слайд

Who is spoken about?
2 слайд

Who is spoken about?

Ask questions … does Fluffy live? … is his birthday? … is his friend’s name? … walks with Fluffy? Wh
3 слайд

Ask questions … does Fluffy live? … is his birthday? … is his friend’s name? … walks with Fluffy? Who Where When What

Match pictures with words Nose Eyes Ear Head Hear Mouth
4 слайд

Match pictures with words Nose Eyes Ear Head Hear Mouth

Make up sentences using am/is/are The dog’s name… He … His eyes… His ears… His nose… His tail… His l
5 слайд

Make up sentences using am/is/are The dog’s name… He … His eyes… His ears… His nose… His tail… His legs… He can… He likes…

Fill in am, is, are, can, like, ears, eyes, tail Help me to find my friend please! My name … Fluffy.
6 слайд

Fill in am, is, are, can, like, ears, eyes, tail Help me to find my friend please! My name … Fluffy. I … 2 years old. I … funny I … got long …, big …,a nice …. I … jump, run, swim. I ... to play football.

Check yourself Help me to find the friend please! My name is Fluffy. I am 3 years old. I am funny I
7 слайд

Check yourself Help me to find the friend please! My name is Fluffy. I am 3 years old. I am funny I have got long ears, big eyes, a nice tail. I can jump, run and swim. I like to play football.

Dear detectives, My name is Alex. I am from Russia. I am a pupil. I am in the third form. I live wit
8 слайд

Dear detectives, My name is Alex. I am from Russia. I am a pupil. I am in the third form. I live with my mum, dad and my dog. My dog’s name is Fluffy. He is three. His eyes are blue He has got nice long ears and black nose. Fluffy is a very funny and clever dog. He likes to play balls with me. This month I have lost my little friend in the garden. I love Fluffy very much. Can you help me to find the dog? Please write back. Yours Alex.

Answer the questions Where is Alex from? What class is Alex in? Why is Alex sad? How does Fluffy loo
9 слайд

Answer the questions Where is Alex from? What class is Alex in? Why is Alex sad? How does Fluffy look like? Is Fluffy Alex’s friend?

10 слайд

Выполнила : учитель английского языка Роженцова Ольга Валерьевна МОУ «Куженерская средняя общеобразо
11 слайд

Выполнила : учитель английского языка Роженцова Ольга Валерьевна МОУ «Куженерская средняя общеобразовательная школа №2» 2011

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