My favourite holiday

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My favourite holiday:
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1 слайд

Resources Biboletova M.Z. «Enjoy English»3
2 слайд

Resources Biboletova M.Z. «Enjoy English»3

Tell about your favourite holiday Hello! My name is … I am from … I am … years old. My favourite hol
3 слайд

Tell about your favourite holiday Hello! My name is … I am from … I am … years old. My favourite holiday is … It is in … (время года) It is on the … of … I can … on … (название праздника) I like to …

Your hometask Ex. 4, p. 56 in your workbook.
4 слайд

Your hometask Ex. 4, p. 56 in your workbook.

Listening key a player
5 слайд

Listening key a player

Do or Does? … your friend like summer? What season … you like? Where … you skate in winter? What spo
6 слайд

Do or Does? … your friend like summer? What season … you like? Where … you skate in winter? What sport … his mother like? What … they have for breakfast? Why … he like to draw?

Check up does do do does do does
7 слайд

Check up does do do does do does

What holidays do we celebrate? Christmas Easter New Year Halloween Valentine’s
8 слайд

What holidays do we celebrate? Christmas Easter New Year Halloween Valentine’s

What can we do on holidays? dance watch TV listen to music have family dinner play
9 слайд

What can we do on holidays? dance watch TV listen to music have family dinner play

Do the crossword puzzle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 слайд

Do the crossword puzzle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Check up b e a r r a b b i t c o m p u t e r s c o o t e r e l e p h a n t d o l l b a l l b i c y c
11 слайд

Check up b e a r r a b b i t c o m p u t e r s c o o t e r e l e p h a n t d o l l b a l l b i c y c l e

What presents can Andrew get?
12 слайд

What presents can Andrew get?

Check up Do you like fairy tales? When is your birthday? How old are you? What season do you like? C
13 слайд

Check up Do you like fairy tales? When is your birthday? How old are you? What season do you like? Can you draw funny pictures?

Check up n o w e l e w h a w w h e w h h o r h e y w e o n w h a t h
14 слайд

Check up n o w e l e w h a w w h e w h h o r h e y w e o n w h a t h

Make up questions Do, like, you, fairy tales? your, is, birthday, When? old, How, you, are? you, Wha
15 слайд

Make up questions Do, like, you, fairy tales? your, is, birthday, When? old, How, you, are? you, What season, do, like? funny, Can, pictures, you, draw?

My favourite holiday
16 слайд

My favourite holiday

Learn the poem I have six honest serving men. They taught me all I knew. Their names are: what and w
17 слайд

Learn the poem I have six honest serving men. They taught me all I knew. Their names are: what and why and when And how and where and who

Try to find wh-words n o w e l e w h a w w h e w h h o r h e y w e o n w h a t h
18 слайд

Try to find wh-words n o w e l e w h a w w h e w h h o r h e y w e o n w h a t h

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