Pakrour – Urban Life Style

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PARKOUR – Urban Life Style Автор: Ваганов Александр МОУ СОШ № 17 г. Ковров Руководитель: Баландина М
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PARKOUR – Urban Life Style Автор: Ваганов Александр МОУ СОШ № 17 г. Ковров Руководитель: Баландина М.А.

What is Parkour? Parkour is about moving in a way in which you don’t let anything stop you moving th
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What is Parkour? Parkour is about moving in a way in which you don’t let anything stop you moving through your environment and overcoming any obstacles that come in your path.

When did Parkour appear? Parkour was created in France by David Belle and Sebastien Foucan in 1988.
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When did Parkour appear? Parkour was created in France by David Belle and Sebastien Foucan in 1988.

“Rush Hour” “Rush Hour” Parkour became popular with the help of “Rush Hour”, a short film for BBC ON
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“Rush Hour” “Rush Hour” Parkour became popular with the help of “Rush Hour”, a short film for BBC ONE. The film shows parkour’s founder, David Belle, running across the rooftops of London, leaping from building to building to avoid the gridlocked traffic below.

The Philosophy of Parkour Our life consists of difficulties and its overcoming means progress.
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The Philosophy of Parkour Our life consists of difficulties and its overcoming means progress.

f What can you achieve from Parkour? physical fitness mental ability friends
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f What can you achieve from Parkour? physical fitness mental ability friends

Parkour - a result of adaptation to the city life.
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Parkour - a result of adaptation to the city life.

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