Vitamins for children: pros and cons

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Vitamins for children: pros and cons → Investigate supplementary and natural vitamins → Present a number of examples of the personalized approach to the usage of vitamins in pediatrics → Draw your attention to the balanced diet AIMS
Cross-sectional study of randomized population (>7000 children) Hypovitaminoses in children`s organisms (a Russian study)
Products with the highest contents of the natural folates More than a half of the total folate content in the food is lost during thermal treatment during cooking. Product Folates (μg/100g) Liver (raw) 240 Parsley (fresh) 110 Kidneys (raw) 56 Lettuce (fresh) 48 Bread from the coarse flour 25
Pros & Cons Vitamins are absolutely required by the fundamental cellular biochemistry The problem of particular pharmacological forms. Proven effectiveness for the prophylaxis of avitaminoses (beri-beri, rickets) Danger of hypervitaminoses. Inaccurate dosage ≠ “vitamins can damage your health” Restitution of RDA– best prophylaxis of common diseases