Two Capitals - One World

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- Просмотров: 192
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The aim of our project is to find similar features of Moscow and London and try to explain it.
The objectives of our project are to study the history of London and Moscow; to compare the landmarks of the two capitals and find something in common; to make some materials about the culture of Great Britain and Russia, which will be interesting for English learners.
The hypothesis of our project is The two capitals have similar features because people living in different countries and speaking different languages have much in common. Perhaps it is possible due to the common cultural roots.
Moscow and London are large cities. The population of Moscow is about 10 million people. The population of London is about 8 million people.
The Kremlin and the Tower are the oldest parts of the cities They were built to defend people from invaders.
The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the British Museum have great collections of painting and sculpture.
The conclusion: The two capitals have similar features because people living in different countries and speaking different languages have much in common. We can see it in the culture of the two countries.