Дружба по английскому языку

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«Friendship» Presentation: by Xruleva Irina 10 class December 2013
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«Friendship» Presentation: by Xruleva Irina 10 class December 2013

What came first to the elder? love wealth friendship
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What came first to the elder? love wealth friendship

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Friendship - personal relationships between people based on love, trust, sincerity, mutual sympathy,
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Friendship - personal relationships between people based on love, trust, sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. Necessarily a sign of friendship are reciprocity, trust and patience. People linked by friendship, called friends.

For the development of friendship may be needed: sympathy (pleasantness mutual communication) unders
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For the development of friendship may be needed: sympathy (pleasantness mutual communication) understanding; openness frankness, sincerity and selflessness; trust common interests and hobbies

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WEALTH , FRIENDSHIP AND LOVE Lived at the seashore elder . He was all alone , and no one he had in t
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WEALTH , FRIENDSHIP AND LOVE Lived at the seashore elder . He was all alone , and no one he had in the whole world . And late one night, he heard a knock at the door. The old man asked : - Who's there? Behind the door, he answered : - This is your wealth. But the old man replied : - When I was a fabulously rich, but it has not brought me any happiness . And do not open the door. The next day he again heard a knock at the door. - Who's there? - He asked . - It's your love! - He heard the answer. But the old man said : - I was loved , and he loved madly , but it did not bring me happiness! - And opened the door again . On the third day it was another knock . - Who's there? - The old man asked . - This is your friendship! - He heard in response . The elder smiled and opened the door : - Friends are always welcome . But suddenly ... friendship with him in the house and entered the love and wealth. And the old man said : - But I invited only friendship ! This included answered him : - You spent so many years on earth, and still do not understand one simple truth ? Just come along with friendship and love , and riches!

Good for you! Вперёд__
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Good for you! Вперёд__

Fulse!!! Назад___
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Fulse!!! Назад___

Let's rest!
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Let's rest!

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