Grandad′s Boneshaker Bicycle

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Grandad′s Boneshaker Bicycle:
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Презентация к уроку английского языка к УМК «Enjoy English»,Reader для 6 класса по теме «Grandad’s B
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Презентация к уроку английского языка к УМК «Enjoy English»,Reader для 6 класса по теме «Grandad’s Boneshaker Bicycle» М.З.Биболетова , Н.В. Добрынина Галиева Айгуль Фагметдиновна МБОУ- Арская гимназия №5 Арского района г. Арск Республики Татарстан учитель первой квалификации  

″Grandad′s Boneshaker Bicycle″
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″Grandad′s Boneshaker Bicycle″

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wheel pedals
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wheel pedals

Handle bars
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Handle bars

One , two s on the ground, My feet make the s go round and round, help me steer so straight, Down th
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One , two s on the ground, My feet make the s go round and round, help me steer so straight, Down the sidewalk, through the gate.

Colin West  (born 1951) is an English children's book author and illustrator. Since 1975, he ha
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Colin West  (born 1951) is an English children's book author and illustrator. Since 1975, he has written and illustrated over 50 children's books.

His other books
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His other books

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Words and expressions Amazing - изумительный Gnome - гном Junk - хлам Is crammed - заставлен Fascina
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Words and expressions Amazing - изумительный Gnome - гном Junk - хлам Is crammed - заставлен Fascinating - прелестный Come in handy - пригодиться Shed - сарай Root around - рыться Rusty – ржавый Bless me! – боже мой second hand – подержанный

Tool – инструмент (рабочий) Kit - сумка с инструментами Saddle- седло Mend- заклеить Puncture- проко
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Tool – инструмент (рабочий) Kit - сумка с инструментами Saddle- седло Mend- заклеить Puncture- прокол Pump up- накачать (шину) Tyre - шина, покрышка Polish up-полировать, наводить лоск Mudguard- крыло Brake- тормоз Wheel- колесо Wobbly – неустойчиво Get the hang of something-освоиться с чем-либо

we can do everything we can do everything we can do everything we want to. we can clap our hands( хл
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we can do everything we can do everything we can do everything we want to. we can clap our hands( хлопаем) clap our hands clap our hands ( stamp our feet )

yacht - [ jat ] - яхта hunting - [ hantiŋ ] - охота cycle ride - [saikl raid] – езда на велосипеде
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yacht - [ jat ] - яхта hunting - [ hantiŋ ] - охота cycle ride - [saikl raid] – езда на велосипеде

Choose the correct words/phrases And inside, Grandad′s house is full of: a) books b) junks c) gnomes
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Choose the correct words/phrases And inside, Grandad′s house is full of: a) books b) junks c) gnomes 2) Grandad has collected a) useless objects b) tools c) gifts of his friends 3) One day, during my half-term, I was rooting around and I came across a rusty a) yacht b) car c) bicycle

4) ″I bought it over … years ago and it was second-hand even then.″ a) fifty b) thousand c) ten 5) W
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4) ″I bought it over … years ago and it was second-hand even then.″ a) fifty b) thousand c) ten 5) We polished up the … a)saddle b) mudguards c) wheels 6) We decided to go on…the next day. a) hunting b) fishing c) cycle ride

Put the following statements in the correct order to make up an outline of the story Grandad never t
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Put the following statements in the correct order to make up an outline of the story Grandad never throws anything away. This is just like old times. The bicycle needs cleaning and oiling badly. My Grandad′s house is full of junk. ″Oh, it′s a bicycle!″ D A E C B

Ex. III, Task 4 pg. 75
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Ex. III, Task 4 pg. 75

Mudguard saddle - седло tyre - шина - крыло
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Mudguard saddle - седло tyre - шина - крыло

brake - тормоз wheels - колёса
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brake - тормоз wheels - колёса

The actions of Grandad and his grandson, while they were repiring the bicycle - They dusted it down
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The actions of Grandad and his grandson, while they were repiring the bicycle - They dusted it down and cleaned up; Mended the punctures and pumped up the tyres; Polished up the saddle and washed down the mudguards; Checked the brakes oiled the wheels.

boneshaker the mudguards tool kit pumped up punctures washed down bicycle mended tyres
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boneshaker the mudguards tool kit pumped up punctures washed down bicycle mended tyres

Our lesson is over. Thank you for attention! Good-bye! Источники:
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Our lesson is over. Thank you for attention! Good-bye! Источники:

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