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Экологическая газета Ecological Newspaper

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Экологическая газета Ecological Newspaper:
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Экологическая газета Ecological Newspaper Earth Day Celebrates the Earth
1 слайд

Экологическая газета Ecological Newspaper Earth Day Celebrates the Earth

Venera Zagidullina, 9 “a” form school № 2 Malmyzh 2009
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Venera Zagidullina, 9 “a” form school № 2 Malmyzh 2009

Aims: Practical application by teachers and pupils at school. Enlarging outlook.
3 слайд

Aims: Practical application by teachers and pupils at school. Enlarging outlook.

Earth day April 22 is a special day around the world. On that day inhabitants of Earth celebrate Ear
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Earth day April 22 is a special day around the world. On that day inhabitants of Earth celebrate Earth Day. The first Earth Day was held in the U.S. twenty two years ago, in April 1970. Earth Day is a time when many people show that they care for our planet. It is a day for people to learn what they can do to preserve the planet EARTH.

Hug The Earth Walking along feeling free Feeling the earth here with me And I love her, She loves me
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Hug The Earth Walking along feeling free Feeling the earth here with me And I love her, She loves me. I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me. She’s our friend, We’d like to be together forever… Lorraine Bayes

An Apple as the World Lets imagine that our planet is apple. Cut the apple into quartes. Three-quart
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An Apple as the World Lets imagine that our planet is apple. Cut the apple into quartes. Three-quartes ¾ of Earth’s surface is water and only one-quarter is land. Cut the piece representing land in half. Only one-half the land is habitable. The rest of the land is the deserts, mountains and other places people cannot live. And if you want to know, that would happen if this part of the world were destroyed, eat the piece of apple.

Eco-Experiment Back To The Earth What you’ll Need an apple core a traffic ticket A wooden stake A pl
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Eco-Experiment Back To The Earth What you’ll Need an apple core a traffic ticket A wooden stake A plastic bottle

What To Do Find a sport to dig a few holes. Dig four holes. Put the apple core n one hole, a traffic
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What To Do Find a sport to dig a few holes. Dig four holes. Put the apple core n one hole, a traffic ticket in the plastic in the fourth hole. Mark the sports. Wait a month, then go back and dig them up. You will find the plastic and stake, but the ticket and maybe the place of apple will gone.

What You Discover The apple core and the traffic ticket are biodegradable; they can become part of t
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What You Discover The apple core and the traffic ticket are biodegradable; they can become part of the Earth again. But the plastic packaging is still there. It is made from the Earths resources, but we have changed them into something that cannot become a part of the Earth again.

Adopt A Piece of The Earth Make it nicer to look at by planting flowers. Pick up litter. Put up sign
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Adopt A Piece of The Earth Make it nicer to look at by planting flowers. Pick up litter. Put up signs that say, «Please don’t litter»

Plant shrubs or tree on your plot to provide food and shelter for birds. Hang a birds feeder to give
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Plant shrubs or tree on your plot to provide food and shelter for birds. Hang a birds feeder to give birds food all year round.

Down: Across: 1. A species that no longer exist on Earth. 2. A packaging material 3. We breathe it i
12 слайд

Down: Across: 1. A species that no longer exist on Earth. 2. A packaging material 3. We breathe it in. 4. Another word for poison 5. Spray can. 6.Kids for saving _____ 7. Rush-hour  

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