Minsk Suvorov Military School
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My future profession Авторы : suv . Kozak Vladimir suv . Gavriluk Nikita Руководитель : Melnik T.N.
Choosing the right profession is very important for all people. Now it is time for choosing my profession. The right choose influences on my future and I have two variants: to be a military man or to be politic man.
When we enter the Minsk Suvorov Military School we are also beginning a profession : service to country. What does it mean to you ? The MSMS educates , trains and inspires young men to serve their country in uniform. It’s a great responsibility to lead soldiers in time of national emergency and to guard the nation in time of peace. The first duty of the army is to defend our own country. Military profession
Strict discipline You must keep your living quarters and yourselves clean and tidy You do what you are told You probably have to share your room with 26 or 28 others The disadvantages of military profession
As for me I made my choice long ago. I decided to become a military man. I saw many films about officers and army. I like their will and courage. I’m going to enter the Military Academy because I want to be a professional military man. Why I want to choose it ?
Military Academies Belorussian Military Academy Moscow Military Academy Mozhayka Space Academy Border Service Academy
Different professions More of us spend a great part of our life at our work . But it is not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2000 existing in the world. Some pupils do this at the industrial training centers , through books. We can enter vocational institutes , universities or academies . There are many usual and unusual professions in the world .
It is an interesting profession because an interpreter meets people from different countries and cultures all the time and has an opportunity to learn much about them . Also this profession is very useful because it helps people to understand each other . Interpreter
This profession deals with people . It studies what is necessary to do that people work better and were not offended . You must be a friendly person and be easy to talk to . I think our country needs good businessmen to strengthen its economy . Businessman
Journalist is an interesting profession because you deal with real events that are happening right now so you can even influence them . They meet many people, try to understand what is going on in the world , the country and try to explain it to other people . Journalist
This profession is very necessary and noble . It requires great responsibility because it deals with the most precious thing that a person has – with his health . The main task of doctor is to operate on people , takes care of patients until they are recovered . I admire the courage and generosity of surgeons . Doctor
This profession requires you to be healthy and strong. It educates , trains and inspires you to be responsible . Good sportsmen are popular all over the world . Sportsmen
The profession of programmer can give many opportunities . Computers are most rapidly changing sphere of modern technology . We are living in the age of information and the future is just filled with computers . It is much easier to do things on computer . You can change text as many times as you want an you don’t need to rewrite everything Programmer
There are many unusual professions and here there are some of them Bodyguard Cosmonaut Milkman Cynologist Collector
You should determine your abilities and inclinations You must know whether the profession you have chosen will guarantee good living conditions and give promotion You must be sure you’ll avoid unemployment or at least will be able to apply your knowledge and skills in other fields of human activity If you are not indifferent to your future , while thinking about the future career you are to pay attention to a number of important things . In short , you are to decide what you are going to do in your life and feel satisfied , but not bored or disappointed . We advise you