Презентация на тему "Несколько фактов об Итоне", 9 класс

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Some facts about Eton College. The most prestigious and expensive private boarding schools for boys in England.
Description of Eton College in England
Location: Eton, Berkshire, 40 minutes from London;
Age of pupils: 13-18 years;
Programs: High School, GCSE, A-level, Pre-U;
Number of pupils: 1300;
Year of foundation: 1440;
Type of study: separate, school for boys.
What makes Eton so special?
Eton College is one of the most famous secondary education institutions in the world.
Eton College is the best of the 9 existing privileged British boarding schools.
Graduates of the well-known schools in Britain are 19 prime ministers of Great Britain.
Also the legendary school was finished by the princes Harry and William, famous writers, well-known Hollywood actors and by the representatives of the Windsor, the Rothschild, and the Goldschmidt families.
* The buildings are hundreds of years old.
Pupils live there seven days a week.
*The school is known as a full boarding school, which means that every pupil who attends it boards there full time for the entire week during term time.
* There’s no sharing at Eton, as each pupil will get their own private room.
The school year.
1.The school year is divided into three terms.
2.Autumn begins on September 3, spring - January 7, summer - April 15. 3.The autumn trimester provides a 10-day vacation (late September and late November), as well as a long vacation (half-term) in late October.
4.During the spring and summer trimesters, approximately every three weeks, students are also provided with a mini vacation.
5.The longest vacation lasts 6 weeks. The school year ends on June 26.
Academic Programs.
*Eton College is a classic British school.
* Pupils study ancient history, the Greek language, Latin, modern languages, mathematics, natural sciences, etc.
*Wide opportunities in the school are provided for the development of aesthetic subjects.
*The training system is highly efficient.
*This is confirmed by the annual results of the examinations of the international students.
So, according to A-level, at least 36% of graduates get an A *, 82% - A. According to the Pre-U program, more than 18% of students get the highest grade (A * +), 52% of boys pass the final examinations. 76% of children receive GCSE A *. 98% of graduates enter prestigious universities of the world. 30% of them choose Cambridge and Oxford.
Academic preparation includes 5 blocks (F - B). Each is designed for 1 year.
Do you know?
The most influential philosophical novels of the 20th century were written by Eton alumni:
1. “1984” by George Orwell
2. “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley