"Звездный городок" презентация к уроку английского языка 9 класс
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Презентация для классов ""Звездный городок" презентация к уроку английского языка 9 класс" онлайн бесплатно на сайте электронных школьных презентаций uchebniki.org.ua
Star city is a place where preparing for the space flight Russian cosmonauts and astronauts.
Star city is the cosmonaut training Center, the name of which is a test center of cosmonauts training named after Yuri Gagarin. Also it is a closed military town (urban-type settlement). This city was founded in 1961.
The emblem of Star city shows us a rising star. And it means that this city is directly connected with space.
The monument to Yuri Gagarin in Star city is a monument to the first cosmonaut, located near the house where Yuri Gagarin lived. It was built in 1971. The monument is surrounded by a small birch grove. It is known that Yuri Gagarin is depicted not only as an astronaut, but a simple man who took walks through the grove.
The territory of the Star City is essentially a large green Park. Perhaps that is why many visitors of the town are impressed with the territory: flowers, bushes, trees, paths, a lake with swans and ducks.