Конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе "День Победы"
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Презентация для классов "Конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе "День Победы"" онлайн бесплатно на сайте электронных школьных презентаций uchebniki.org.ua
«Traditions, holidays, festivals»
Учитель: Титова Виктория Михайловна
МБОУ «Кадетская школа
города Мурманска»
1. When is Victory Day celebrated in Russia?
a) 24th of June
b) 22nd of June
c) 9th of May
2. When did the Great Patriotic War begin?
a) 1939
b) 1945
c) 1941
3. When did the Great Patriotic War end?
a) 1945
b) 1947
c) 1941
4. When was the first Victory Parade?
a) 9th of May 1945
b) 24th of June 1945
c) 9th of May 1946
5. What anniversary of the the Great Patriotic War does our country celebrate in 2023?
a) 75 years
b) 76 years
c) 78 years
6. What is the title of our city after the the Great Patriotic War?
a) Port city
b) Hero city
c) Sister city
Vocabulary work
Solemn – very serious and without any humour.
Exception – something is not included in a rule.
Vocabulary work
Honour - a quality that combines respect, being proud, and honesty.
Procession - a line of people who are all walking.
Vocabulary work
Participant - a person who takes part in something.
Rally - a public meeting of a large group of people.
Dedicated - believing that something is very
important and giving a lot of time and energy to it.
1. How do the celebrations of Victory Day begin?
2. How many people come to watch the parade?
3) What happens after the parade?
4) How do Murmansk schoolchildren participate in festive events?
5) Where does the procession end?
6) What can we see on the evening of May 9?
Your homework will be writing a syncwine with the word Victory.
Rules for writing syncwine:
First line. 1 word - topic (noun).
Second line. 2 words - a description of this topic (adjectives).
Third line. 3 words - actions (verbs).
Fourth line. Phrase showing relation to the topic
Fifth line. 1 word is a synonym that repeats the essence of the topic.