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Материал по теме: Helping Hands

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Helping hands.<br>Подыниногина Софья 7 «В»<br>
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Helping hands.
Подыниногина Софья 7 «В»

A list of people who need your help.<br>The people who need my help are:<br>elderly people<br>lonely
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A list of people who need your help.
The people who need my help are:
elderly people
lonely people
low – income
mobilized people
children in orphanages and hospitals

A list of charity projects.<br>There are a lot of different charitable organizations in our country.
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A list of charity projects.
There are a lot of different charitable organizations in our country. Each school conducts different charity projects in which you can participate. Charity projects are being conducted in our school:
Bravery Box
we collected military first aid kits for the soldiers
they sent chocolates with congratulations to the children at the hospital
and many more things…

  <br>There are also  different charity  fundraising and volunteers:<br>«We give Happiness»  «Дарим
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There are also different charity fundraising and volunteers:
«We give Happiness» «Дарим Счастье»
«White Mountain» «Белая Гора»
«I help children» «Я помогаю детям»
«A Source of Hope» «Источник Надежды»
and many more charity fundraising..

What can be done to help those in need.<br>What can be done for charitable causes? <br>Of course, pe
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What can be done to help those in need.
What can be done for charitable causes?
Of course, people can donate something to charity.
It is also possible to donate clothes, food and different things.
One more way to work for charitable causes is to improve environmental conditions or to transfer the knowledge.
to raise money by organizing charity fairs
charity run
sweets and cakes sales
To collect and donate old clothes, toys
To help elderly people: read books to them

Thanks for your attention!<br>Спасибо за внимание!<br>
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Thanks for your attention!
Спасибо за внимание!

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