Презентация на тему "Наша школа"
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School`s yard bench ... ... memory ... memories ...
School`s history begins in 1931.
Years passed, changing era, people, signs, and the school continued to live ...
Today, the school keeps a history within its walls, the spirit of knowledge and enlightenment, the Russian word, indescribable aura of kindness and mutual respect.
Educational, methodical, educational work is subordinated to the noble and high tseli - ignite the fire of knowledge children's hearts, fill them with spiritual desire to believe every student in their creativity and self-realization in life.
Development, harmony, success
School Staraya Ladoga - is:
a high level of training;
school, where learning with pleasure, and work with inspiration;
a place where students and teachers with the knowledge to know the world;
Great teachers, the latest techniques;
territory of love, kindness, creativity and traditions;
smart, talented, funny guys;
sparkle in the eyes of children and desire for success.
highly skilled experts owning modern educational technology management process.
Head teacher
Bogolyubova Nadezhda Sergeyevna
To achieve these goals, the school set up the material - technical base.
This set of rooms, equipped with necessary teaching aids:
We learn
elementary school
Russian language and literature
English language
nurse's office
computer class
Assembly Hall
sports ground
Teachers of our school
Highly creative team:
Teacher School Old Ladoga.
Each has its own teaching style.
Each knows how to be the first among those not faint.
Each has a high professional mobility.
Each is growing and developing as a person.
School`s activities…
School`s teachers are paying great attention to the work with gifted children, involving them in scientific - research,
creative, design activity.
Scientific conferences
Our traditions
Knowledge Day
Evening class reunions
Teacher's Day
Autumn`s Ball
Day of Slavic`s
Day of Remembrance
High school graduation`s
New Year
We have our own traditions, wich unite teachers and students
Our school in Staraya Ladoga
Every year, they come to us with new
kids, so we are waiting for: interesting
life, discoveries, prospects and new developments ...