Презентация по английскому языку на тему " NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTERS IN THE WORLD "( 10 класс)
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What is an Environmental Disaster?
An environmental disaster is any catastrophe that does significant damage to the natural environment, caused by humans and their activities. This point ‘human’ distinguishes environmental disasters from natural disasters. Environmental disasters show how the impact of humans’ interaction with nature has led to hazards. Environmental disasters caused by humans have led to disruptions and deaths of animals, humans and plants, and lands, and have upset the ecological systems with extinctions.
Top 5 of natural and anthropogenic environmental disasters
1. Bhopal: the Union Carbide gas leak December 3, 1984 has become a memorable day for the city of Bhopal in Madya Pradesh county, India. Shortly after midnight, a poisonous gas cloud escaped from the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide factory. This event is now known as the worst industrial environmental disaster to ever have occurred.
2.Seveso: Italian dioxin crisis
On midday of July 10, 1976 an explosion occurred in a TCP reactor in the ICMESA chemical company in Meda, Italy. A toxic cloud escaped into the atmosphere containing high concentrations of TCDD. Downwind from the factory the dioxin cloud polluted of about six kilometers long and one kilometre wide. The dioxin cloud affected a total of 11 communities.
3. The 1952 London smog disaster
December 1952 brought an episode of heavy smog to London, which lasted until March 1953. The unusual cold in London in the winter of 1952-1953 caused additional coal combustion. This resulted in the heaviest winter smog episode known to men. The London smog disaster resulted in the introduction of the first Clean Air Acts in 1956.
4.Major oil spills of the 20th and 21st century
In 1978 on March 16 the Liberian super tanker Amoco Cadiz stranded on Portsall Rocks off the coast of Brittany, The Amoco Cadiz started drifting to shore where touching the bottom ripped open the hull and storage tanks.
The crew of the tanker was rescued by helicopter, but the ship broke in two. Beaches of 76 Breton communities were polluted by oil.
5.Global epidemics
In the fourteenth century Europe, Asia and Africa were hit with a serious outbreak of the plague, now commonly known as The Black Death.
The disease is transmitted from rodents to humans by a flea. Symptoms of the disease include fever, delirium, pneumonia and enlarged, pus-filled lymph nodes.
Fortunately medication have been able to prevent a new plague epidemic.
Our planet is large and strong.
It is ancient and has many abilities but it also needs our protection. If humans do not acknowledge this reality, many of our activities will continue to endanger the environment and the entire planet.
If we dispose of waste properly, reduce our emission of chemicals into the environment, and regulate our consumption of natural resources, environmental disasters are sure to occur less frequently.
The job of humans naturally is to tend to and protect the environment around us, but in reality, the opposite is the case as we see in this informative article where we listed 9 deadly environmental disasters caused by humans.