Презентации по английскому языку на тему Брейнринг
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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа №10 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов
“Welcome to Great Britain”
Teacher: Litovchenko O.V.
Сургут, 2016 ХМАО-Югра
The head of the royal Family
The capital of Great Britain
Popular British food and drink
Escape the crowds and discover London from the river Thames on a relaxing ……….
20 points
It is a famous district in London. It used to be a fruit and vegetable market in the central square, now it`s a popular shopping and tourist site with pubs and cafes.
30 points
……………………….., the largest square in London, is often considered the heart of the city. In the middle of the square stands a tall column honoring admiral Nelson, surrounded by fountains.
40 points
The majestic ……………….was built
by Christopher Wren between 1675 and 1711. Five different churches were built at this site.
50 points
It is one of the most popular of London's
historical sites. It has 20 towers. It was a prison. Today it's a museum and houses the Crown Jewels.
30 points
This bridge is so popular. If one counts footbridges, more than 100 bridges span the River Thames from beginning to end.
40 points
Its official name is the Palace of
Westminster. At the north end of
the building, by Westminster
Bridge, there is the famous clock
tower, Big Ben.
50 points
The London's largest and most
fashionable park. It was once a
royal hunting forest.
30 points
This Abby is located near the Houses of Parliament, is more a historical site than a religious site. Since 1066 every almost every royal coronation has taken place in this church.
40 points
A castle, standing on a rock over looking the river Thames, was founded by William the Conqueror. Nowadays it is a place, where the Royal family can relax.
50 points
A giant Ferris wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames in London. That's the beauty of it: it is in a great position at the heart of London.
30 points
The Queen's official and main royal London residence. Londoners usually watch the Changing of the Guards in the forefront of the Palace, lasting about 30 minutes.
40 points
A park which was also originally a hunting park, is now the home of London Zoo.
50 points