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Презентация по английскому языку "There’s a spider in the bathroom" (2 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку "There’s a spider in the bathroom" (2 класс) - Класс учебник | Академический школьный учебник скачать | Сайт школьных книг учебников uchebniki.org.ua
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Презентация по английскому языку "There’s a spider in the bathroom" (2 класс):
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There’s a spider in the bathroom!<br>
1 слайд

There’s a spider in the bathroom!

How are you today?<br>
2 слайд

How are you today?

Let’s learn new words.<br>small [smɔ:l] маленький<br>give [ɡɪv] давать<br>come [kʌm] приходить<br>qu
3 слайд

Let’s learn new words.
small [smɔ:l] маленький
give [ɡɪv] давать
come [kʌm] приходить
quickly [‘kwɪklɪ] быстро
Help! [help] Помогите!
Take it away! – Уберите это!

4 слайд


5 слайд


centipede [‘sentɪpi:d]<br>
6 слайд

centipede [‘sentɪpi:d]

snail [sneɪl]<br>
7 слайд

snail [sneɪl]

8 слайд


9 слайд


horse [hɔ:s]<br>
10 слайд

horse [hɔ:s]

11 слайд


Remember every word. Then close your eyes.<br>
12 слайд

Remember every word. Then close your eyes.

What’s missing?<br>
13 слайд

What’s missing?

What’s missing?<br>
14 слайд

What’s missing?

What’s missing?<br>
15 слайд

What’s missing?

What’s missing?<br>
16 слайд

What’s missing?

What’s missing?<br>
17 слайд

What’s missing?

18 слайд

What animals are there in the song?<br>
19 слайд

What animals are there in the song?

What rooms do you remember?<br>
20 слайд

What rooms do you remember?

living room [‘lɪvɪŋ,rʊm]<br>
21 слайд

living room [‘lɪvɪŋ,rʊm]

bedroom [‘bedru:m]<br>
22 слайд

bedroom [‘bedru:m]

hall [hɔ:l]<br>
23 слайд

hall [hɔ:l]

bathroom [‘bɑ:θru:m]<br>
24 слайд

bathroom [‘bɑ:θru:m]

kitchen [‘kɪtʃɪn] <br>
25 слайд

kitchen [‘kɪtʃɪn]

garden [‘ɡɑ:dn]<br>
26 слайд

garden [‘ɡɑ:dn]

27 слайд

There’s a centipede on my slice of bread.<br>
28 слайд

There’s a centipede on my slice of bread.

There’s a spider in the bathroom.<br>
29 слайд

There’s a spider in the bathroom.

There’s a snail in the hall.<br>
30 слайд

There’s a snail in the hall.

I can see a centipede climbing up the wall.<br>
31 слайд

I can see a centipede climbing up the wall.

There’s a bee in the bedroom.<br>
32 слайд

There’s a bee in the bedroom.

There’s  an ant in the hall.<br>
33 слайд

There’s an ant in the hall.

I’m standing in the kitchen <br>And I’m not afraid at all!<br>
34 слайд

I’m standing in the kitchen
And I’m not afraid at all!

There’s a spider in the garden.<br>
35 слайд

There’s a spider in the garden.

There’s a snail in my bed.<br>
36 слайд

There’s a snail in my bed.

There’s a green and yellow centipede On my slice of bread.<br>
37 слайд

There’s a green and yellow centipede On my slice of bread.

There’s a bee in the bedroom.<br>
38 слайд

There’s a bee in the bedroom.

There’s  an ant in the hall.<br>
39 слайд

There’s an ant in the hall.

I’m standing in the kitchen <br>And I’m not afraid at all!<br>
40 слайд

I’m standing in the kitchen
And I’m not afraid at all!

Let’s have a break!<br>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2qXSMENrQA<br><br>
41 слайд

Let’s have a break!

42 слайд

43 слайд

44 слайд

45 слайд

46 слайд

Home task<br>AB: p. 51-52.<br>
47 слайд

Home task
AB: p. 51-52.

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