QUIZ "Food and Health. Conditionals"

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1 слайд

How many types of Conditionals do you know?<br><br>When do we use them?<br>На игровое поле<br>
2 слайд

How many types of Conditionals do you know?

When do we use them?
На игровое поле

A calorie is...<br>a type of vitamin;<br>a unit of energy;<br>a blood cell.<br>На игровое поле<br>
3 слайд

A calorie is...
a type of vitamin;
a unit of energy;
a blood cell.
На игровое поле

Give 3 reasons proving that diets are good for our health<br>На игровое поле<br>
4 слайд

Give 3 reasons proving that diets are good for our health
На игровое поле

Give some advice for people who suffer from overweight<br>На игровое поле<br>
5 слайд

Give some advice for people who suffer from overweight
На игровое поле

Give the example of any phrasal verb.<br>Make sentence with it<br>На игровое поле<br>
6 слайд

Give the example of any phrasal verb.
Make sentence with it
На игровое поле

Speak  about Robert Burn’s Night<br>На игровое поле<br>
7 слайд

Speak about Robert Burn’s Night
На игровое поле

На игровое поле<br>
8 слайд

На игровое поле

Give 3 reasons proving that diets are harmful for our health<br>На игровое поле<br>
9 слайд

Give 3 reasons proving that diets are harmful for our health
На игровое поле

What should we mention while writing an assessment about restaurant?<br>На игровое поле<br>
10 слайд

What should we mention while writing an assessment about restaurant?
На игровое поле

Speak about health problems<br>На игровое поле<br>
11 слайд

Speak about health problems
На игровое поле

Explain the proverb.<br>“A spoon is dear when the lunch time is near”<br>На игровое поле<br>
12 слайд

Explain the proverb.
“A spoon is dear when the lunch time is near”
На игровое поле

Make difficult sentence by using both Past Simple and Past Continuous.<br>На игровое поле<br>
13 слайд

Make difficult sentence by using both Past Simple and Past Continuous.
На игровое поле

How does the food color influence us?<br>На игровое поле<br>
14 слайд

How does the food color influence us?
На игровое поле

Give the correct form of verb in brackets. Translate<br>If I were you, I …………. (stop) eating so much
15 слайд

Give the correct form of verb in brackets. Translate
If I were you, I …………. (stop) eating so much junk food.
На игровое поле

Give some advice for people who have indigestion<br>На игровое поле<br>
16 слайд

Give some advice for people who have indigestion
На игровое поле

Who is Charles Dickens? What do you know about his life and his most famous novel Oliver Twist?<br>Н
17 слайд

Who is Charles Dickens? What do you know about his life and his most famous novel Oliver Twist?
На игровое поле

Name 5 problems which are connected with health.<br>На игровое поле<br>
18 слайд

Name 5 problems which are connected with health.
На игровое поле

На игровое поле<br>
19 слайд

На игровое поле

Who is Robert Burns? <br>На игровое поле<br>
20 слайд

Who is Robert Burns?
На игровое поле

What is “Haggis”<br>На игровое поле<br>
21 слайд

What is “Haggis”
На игровое поле

На игровое поле<br>Choose the correct variant. Explain why<br><br>
22 слайд

На игровое поле
Choose the correct variant. Explain why

What types of meal do we have?<br>На игровое поле<br>
23 слайд

What types of meal do we have?
На игровое поле

Speak about junk food. For and against<br>На игровое поле<br>
24 слайд

Speak about junk food. For and against
На игровое поле

На игровое поле<br>
25 слайд

На игровое поле

Give the examples of 2nd and 3rd types of Conditionals<br><br>На игровое поле<br>
26 слайд

Give the examples of 2nd and 3rd types of Conditionals

На игровое поле

На игровое поле<br>Fill in the correct word<br><br>
27 слайд

На игровое поле
Fill in the correct word

На игровое поле<br>
28 слайд

На игровое поле

What is the translation of “flame weeder”<br>На игровое поле<br>
29 слайд

What is the translation of “flame weeder”
На игровое поле

Translate from Russian into English<br>На твоем месте, я  бы  сократил количество сахара.<br>На игро
30 слайд

Translate from Russian into English
На твоем месте, я бы сократил количество сахара.
На игровое поле

Make sentence using Past Simple and Past Perfect<br>На игровое поле<br>
31 слайд

Make sentence using Past Simple and Past Perfect
На игровое поле

Give 5 verbs that are related to “ Food and Health”<br>На игровое поле<br>
32 слайд

Give 5 verbs that are related to “ Food and Health”
На игровое поле

What is organic farming?<br>На игровое поле<br>
33 слайд

What is organic farming?
На игровое поле

What is your favorite food?<br>На игровое поле<br>
34 слайд

What is your favorite food?
На игровое поле

На игровое поле<br>Fill in the missing word<br><br>
35 слайд

На игровое поле
Fill in the missing word

На игровое поле<br>
36 слайд

На игровое поле

На игровое поле<br>
37 слайд

На игровое поле

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