«They are so much like Us. Penguins».

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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение <br>средняя общеобразовательная школа № 5<br>
1 слайд

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа № 5
имени Героя Советского Союза Георгия Евдокимовича Попова г.Николаевска-на-Амуре Хабаровского края

«They are so much like Us. Penguins».

Автор: Шахов Григорий Яковлевич
Специальность: Английский язык
г. Николаевск-на-Амуре

2022-2023 г.
Колесникова Дарья Александровна

Penguins are one of the <br>most unusual<br> and peculiar<br>representatives <br>of the bird world.
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Penguins are one of the
most unusual
and peculiar
of the bird world.

The homeland of both<br> ancient and modern<br> penguins is the southern<br> hemisphere. Their origi
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The homeland of both
ancient and modern
penguins is the southern
hemisphere. Their origin
begins around the
Mesozoic era,
at least 100 million years ago.

Origin of penguins

The largest fossil<br> found of this species<br> was almost the height <br>of a man and weighed <br>
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The largest fossil
found of this species
was almost the height
of a man and weighed
about 120 kg.
Some other ancient
penguin species reached
almost the same size.

Penguins are better <br>than all other birds <br>adapted to life in the water. <br>They have reached
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Penguins are better
than all other birds
adapted to life in the water.
They have reached the level
of seals and dolphins in this.
Swimming speed is
about 20-25 km/h, but there are
penguins reaching speeds
up to 40 km/h.

The food of penguins is plankton, fish and cephalopods, <br>mainly krill. <br>They extract it only<b
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The food of penguins is plankton, fish and cephalopods,
mainly krill.
They extract it only
from the sea.

They stay in the sea in <br>groups and flocks, and <br>during breeding they necessarily <br>form col
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They stay in the sea in
groups and flocks, and
during breeding they necessarily
form colonies, sometimes
reaching several hundred thousand
and even millions of individuals.

Penguins are social birds.

The penguin is a courageous <br>and wonderful bird. <br>Clumsy on land <br>and unable to fly <br>thr
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The penguin is a courageous
and wonderful bird.
Clumsy on land
and unable to fly
through the air,
penguins can “fly”
They "mastered"
the most severe
continent - Antarctica.

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Let's take care of penguins together and enjoy their beauty!<br><br>
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Let's take care of penguins together and enjoy their beauty!

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