Интерактивный плакат на английском языке: "Бессмертный полк. Герои моей семьи"
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Агапонов Сергей Тимофеевич
Германова Ольга Михайловна
Сергей Тимофеевич
Ольга Михайловна
Agaponov Sergey Timofeyevich
Took part in escorting caravans of ships, in combat sorties against enemy ships and submarines, in the flight of American aircraft from the United States to the USSR. Awards: 3 orders of the Red Star, 3 orders of the Red Banner, 8 medals.
Агапонов Сергей Тимофеевич
Германова Ольга Михайловна
Сергей Тимофеевич
Ольга Михайловна
Agaponova Olga Mikhailovna
She was a surgeon at a field hospital. Awards: two orders of the Red Banner. In 1945 She participated in the escort of German prisoners of the war to Germany. Her rank is the captain of medical service, surgeon of the 3rd class.
Агапонов Сергей Тимофеевич
Германова Ольга Михайловна
Сергей Тимофеевич
Ольга Михайловна
Sergey Timofeyevich continued his difficult military service in peacetime, and Olga Mikhailovna was always his strong rear. Their favourite poem "Wait for me" by Simonov helped them to overcome all life’s difficulties.