Презентация к уроку в 5 классе " Наши домашние животные"
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Презентация для классов "Презентация к уроку в 5 классе " Наши домашние животные"" онлайн бесплатно на сайте электронных школьных презентаций uchebniki.org.ua
After school.
Answer the questions about your free time.
1) Do you like to stay at home or go out after school?
2) Do you like to be on your own or to have company?
3) Do you usually spend your free time with your family or your friends?
4) What do you spend more time on: watching TV, reading books, sport ang games , other activities?
5) If you meet your friends after school, where do you go or what do you do?
6) Do you find time to help your parents with housework? What do you do?
7) What activity or hobby would you like too take up?
After school.
There are some new words. Write down them in you dictionaries.
Kitten - [kɪtn] — котенок
puppy — [ˈpʌpɪ] — щенок
budgie — [ˈbʌʤɪ] — волнистый попугай
rabbit — [ˈræbɪt] — кролик
goldfish — [ˈgəʊldfɪʃ] — золотая рыбка (аквариумная)
hamster — [ˈhæmstə] — хомяк
parrot — [ˈpærət] — попугай
rat — [ræt] — крыса
canary — [kæˈne(ə)rɪ] - канарейка
After school.
Open your textbooks at page 5, exercise 1.
The task will be listen the dialogue and match the names with answers.
https://rosuchebnik.ru/kompleks/rainbow/audio/uchebnik5-2/ аудиозапись № 81
After school.
You have a new friend. You want to know a lot of things about him/her. What questions will you ask?
Example: often/to go to the cinema
Do you often go to the cinema?
To play any games
To enjoy reading books
To like travelling
To be intrested in animals
To watch a lot of television
Often / to visit your grandparents