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Презентация к уроку в 8 классе

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Tsunami disaster.<br>
1 слайд

Tsunami disaster.

23.12.2022<br>2<br>Tsunami disaster.<br>Please, open your textbook at page 74.<br>Look at the pictur
2 слайд

Tsunami disaster.
Please, open your textbook at page 74.
Look at the picture and imagine the scene.
Where are you?
What’s happening?
What are people doing?
How do you feel?

23.12.2022<br>3<br>Tsunami disaster.<br>There are four extracts are from four people’s reports who e
3 слайд

Tsunami disaster.
There are four extracts are from four people’s reports who experienced a tsunami. Read the first sencence from each extract.

Which person was …
A member of the rescue team?
A journalist?
A holiday maker?
A doctor?
Read and check

23.12.2022<br>4<br>Tsunami disaster.<br><br>Look at ex. 3 on page 75.<br>Task will be to answer the
4 слайд

Tsunami disaster.

Look at ex. 3 on page 75.
Task will be to answer the questions.
Which person or people …
Suffered injuries?
Helped other people?
Felt calm at first?
Give detailes about time and place of the disaster?
Was helped by someone else?
Achived something unexpected?

23.12.2022<br>5<br>Tsunami disaster.<br><br>Check the verbs in the Word List. Use them in their corr
5 слайд

Tsunami disaster.

Check the verbs in the Word List. Use them in their correct form to fill in the gaps.
Fear cover leave drown snow crack collapse lose

1. Thousand of people were ……….. homeless.
2. Hundreds of sheeps ……..in the flood and many other animals ……. their habitats.
3. Many roads …… and five-storey apartament building ……..like a house of cards. The people in the building are …… to be dead.
4. Many people were …….. in and the roads were ……. with ice.

23.12.2022<br>6<br>Tsunami disasters.<br>Look the ex. 6, page 75.<br> Read the dictionary entraids.
6 слайд

Tsunami disasters.
Look the ex. 6, page 75.
Read the dictionary entraids. What are these disasters called in your language? What the causes each one?
Drought, flood, tornado, tsunami, earthquake, cyclone, avalanche, hurricane.

H/t excersice 8 page 75 to write down short message what disasters are common in our country?

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