«Глагол to be в Past Simple»

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Глагол to be в  <br>Past  Simple   <br>Разработал:<br>педагог дополнительного образования<br>Савка Е
1 слайд

Глагол to be в
Past Simple
педагог дополнительного образования
Савка Елена Викторовна


I<br>am<br>I am a boy. <br>I am a student.<br>I am from Russia.<br>1-е лицо, <br>единственное число<
2 слайд

I am a boy.
I am a student.
I am from Russia.
1-е лицо,
единственное число

She<br>He<br>It<br>is<br>She is a girl. <br>He is a student.<br>It is a cat.<br>3-е лицо, <br>единст
3 слайд

She is a girl.
He is a student.
It is a cat.
3-е лицо,
единственное число

We<br>They<br>You<br>are<br>We are friends. <br>You are my friend. <br>They are friends. <br>множест
4 слайд

We are friends.
You are my friend.
They are friends.
множественное число

Past Simple Tense<br>To be<br>Was<br>Were<br>ед.ч.<br>мн.ч.<br>
5 слайд

Past Simple Tense
To be

Compare<br>    Present Simple<br> 1. I am at home now.     <br><br>2. Fred is happy now. <br><br>3.
6 слайд

Present Simple
1. I am at home now.

2. Fred is happy now.

3. My friends are schoolgirls.

Past Simple
I was at home yesterday.

2. Fred was happy yesterday.

3. My friends were schoolgirls.

To be-was,were.<br>I was                  я был (была)<br>You were           ты был (была) <br>He wa
7 слайд

To be-was,were.
I was я был (была)
You were ты был (была)
He was он был
She was она была
it was оно было
We were мы были
You were вы были
They were они были

8 слайд

9 слайд

Compare<br>1. (+) I was at home yesterday. <br>    (-) I was not at home yesterday.<br><br>2. (+) Th
10 слайд

1. (+) I was at home yesterday.
(-) I was not at home yesterday.

2. (+) They were in the forest last night.
(-) They were not in the forest last night.

     Negative Sentence  ( - )<br>was + not = wasn’t<br>My sister wasn’t in the park.<br> <br>were +
11 слайд

Negative Sentence ( - )
was + not = wasn’t
My sister wasn’t in the park.

were + not = weren’t
They weren’t at school yesterday.

Образуйте отрицательные предложения с was were<br>I was at school ten minutes ago<br>It was very hot
12 слайд

Образуйте отрицательные предложения с was were
I was at school ten minutes ago
It was very hot last week
They were happy yesterday
She was hungry two hours ago
We were in Paris last year

Образуйте отрицательные предложения с was were<br>I wasn’t at school ten minutes ago<br>It wasn’t ve
13 слайд

Образуйте отрицательные предложения с was were
I wasn’t at school ten minutes ago
It wasn’t very hot last week
They weren’t happy yesterday
She wasn’t hungry two hours ago
We weren’t in Paris last year

Compare<br>1.(+) Fred was happy yesterday.<br>   (?) Was Fred happy yesterday?<br>2.(+) The children
14 слайд

1.(+) Fred was happy yesterday.
(?) Was Fred happy yesterday?
2.(+) The children were in the zoo a week ago.
(?) Were the children in the zoo a week ago?

            Cтруктура вопроса<br>           Was/ Were + П + …?<br>             Cтруктура ответа<br>
15 слайд

Cтруктура вопроса
Was/ Were + П + …?
Cтруктура ответа
(+) Yes, П + was/ were.
(-) No, П + wasn’t/ weren’t.

1. -Was it interesting at the party yesterday?
-Yes, it was.
2. - Were they in the forest last night?
-No, they weren’t.

Interrogative Sentence (?)

Упражнение. <br>Образуйте вопрос с глаголами was were<br>(He) in London last year<br>(It) sunny two
16 слайд

Образуйте вопрос с глаголами was were
(He) in London last year
(It) sunny two hours ago
(Kate and Anna) at the cinema yesterday
(They) tired last night
(The breakfast) delicious last morning
(She) very busy yesterday

Was he in London last year?<br>Was it sunny two hours ago?<br>Were Kate and Anna at the cinema yeste
17 слайд

Was he in London last year?
Was it sunny two hours ago?
Were Kate and Anna at the cinema yesterday?
Were they tired last night?
Was The breakfast delicious last morning?
Was she very busy yesterday?

1.  a worker, his father, was<br>2.an elephant, was, it<br>3.    Phill and Bill, were, in New York,
18 слайд

1. a worker, his father, was
2.an elephant, was, it
3. Phill and Bill, were, in New York, last summer
4.She, a pupil, was
5.Mother, our, a teacher, was
6.Jack and Kate, were, doctors
7.was, a driver, I
8.You, his, were, neighbor
9.were, in, they, Italy, two years ago
10. was, their, at home, brother

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