Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Saint-Petersburg II"

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Учитель: Ефремова Г.М.
St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg is my home town. It is one of the largest industrial and cultural centres and one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It was founded in 1703 by Peter I and for over 200 years (from 1714 till 1917) was the capital of Russia.
The city began with the Peter and Paul Fortress, The Peter and Paul Cathedral, the first church of the city, is worth seeing: it is an outstanding architectural monument.
St. Petersburg is famous for its architecture. There are many fine building, beautiful monuments, rich museums, parks and gardens in the city. The monument to Peter I (Bronze Horseman), St. Isaac`s Cathedral, the Admiralty, the Hermitage, the Summer Gardens, the Russian Museum, Palace Square with the Alexander Column – all of them have a world-wine fame.
The historical centre of St. Petersburg is the Admiralty, Nevsky Prospect is the main street of the city. It begins at the Admiralty and ends at the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. If you walk along Nevsky Prospect, you will see many beautiful buildings. You will see the famous Kazan Cathedral with the monuments to the Russian generals Kutuzov and Barklay deTolli, the Alexandrinsky Theatre with the monument to Catherine II in front of it, the Anichkov palace and the Belosselsky-Belozersky palace, facing each other across the Fontanka River. The bridge over the Fontanka is famous for Klodt`s sculptural groups of a man taming a horse.
There are many theatres in St. Petersburg, such as the Mariinsky Opera and Ballet House, the Maly Opera and Ballet House, the Alexandrinsky Theatre, the Tovstonogov Drama Theatre, the Akimov Comedy Theatre, the Musical Comedy and many others.
St. Petersburg is also famous for the beautiful Neva and its embankments and bridges. The city is especially beautiful during the White Nights in summer.