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Презентация на тему "Grammar test"

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Grammar Test<br>
1 слайд

Grammar Test

2 слайд

1.<br>You have to put  :   buy<br>                               teach<br>
3 слайд

You have to put : buy
Don _ down the stairs this morning and _ his leg
I was hungry so I _ smth to eat in the shop
Toms father _ him how to drive when he was 17
We needed some money so we _ our car

Key         fell  hurt<br>                bought<br>                taught<br>                 sold<
4 слайд

Key fell hurt

2.<br>Write questions  (use Past  Simple) <br> Go alone<br> How long \ stay there<br> The weather \
5 слайд

Write questions (use Past Simple)
Go alone
How long \ stay there
The weather \ fine
Meet any interesting people
What \ do in the evenings
How \ travel

Key <br>Did you go alone ?<br>How long did you stay there ?<br>Was the weather fine ?<br>Did you mee
6 слайд

Did you go alone ?
How long did you stay there ?
Was the weather fine ?
Did you meet any interesting people ?
What did you do in the evenings ?
How did you travel ?

3.<br>Form a noun:<br> Excited     proud    bored     anxious<br> Confused   enthusiastic       frus
7 слайд

Form a noun:
Excited proud bored anxious
Confused enthusiastic frustrated delighted nervous
Confident cheerful inspired

Key <br> Excitement     pride    boredom     anxiety<br> Confusion   enthusiasm       frustration  d
8 слайд

Excitement pride boredom anxiety
Confusion enthusiasm frustration delight nervousness
Confidence cheerfulness inspiration

4.<br>Make up the words:<br> E l b a t p e c c a n u<br> T c a r t s I d<br> E t a u d a r g r e d n
9 слайд

Make up the words:
E l b a t p e c c a n u
T c a r t s I d
E t a u d a r g r e d n u
E g n a h e x e
S u o I l l e b e r

Key <br> Unacceptable<br> Distract<br> Undergraduate<br> Exchange<br> Rebellious <br>
10 слайд


5.<br>Explain in English:<br>  After a quarrel         To continue<br>To take exams             Impr
11 слайд

Explain in English:
After a quarrel To continue
To take exams Improper
Endangered Forbidden
Hard to control The lower part
To draw away from of an ear

After having a row        unacceptable<br>To sit ones exams         prohibited<br>Put a risk
12 слайд

After having a row unacceptable
To sit ones exams prohibited
Put a risk earlobe
To distract from
To carry on

6.<br>Fill in the gaps with:<br>Cant must can could may may mustnt could  can can<br>
13 слайд

Fill in the gaps with:
Cant must can could may may mustnt could can can

Hello _ I speak to Tom please?<br>_ I use your telephone?<br>You _ smoke if you like<br>You _ drive
14 слайд

Hello _ I speak to Tom please?
_ I use your telephone?
You _ smoke if you like
You _ drive for a year in Britain with an international licence
_ I borrow your camera?

_ I give you a lift?<br>You _ tell anyone what I said<br>You _ have a passport to visit most foreign
15 слайд

_ I give you a lift?
You _ tell anyone what I said
You _ have a passport to visit most foreign countries
_ I smoke here?
If you are under 17 you _ drive a car in Britain

Key <br> 1 can 2 could 3 may 4 can 5 could<br> 6 can 7 mustnt 8 must 9 may 10cant<br>
16 слайд

1 can 2 could 3 may 4 can 5 could
6 can 7 mustnt 8 must 9 may 10cant

Материал подготовлен учителем английского языка 1 квалификационной категории МОАУ «Гимназия №8» г.Ор
17 слайд

Материал подготовлен учителем английского языка 1 квалификационной категории МОАУ «Гимназия №8» г.Оренбурга Гергерт И.М.

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