Презентация "Spotlight 6. Road safety"
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What are we going to speak about?
1. To speak how to behave at lessons.
2. To speak how to behave at school.
3. To speak how to be safe on the road and make the instruction.
traffic lights - светофор
parking zone - парковка
traffic sign – дорожный знак
pedestrian |pɪˈdestrɪən|- пешеход
zebra crossing – пешеходный переход
pavement |ˈpeɪvm(ə)nt| - тротуар
traffic warden – дорожный инспектор
Parking zone
Zebra crossing
Traffic warden
Traffic sign
Match the word and the word definition
A person who is on foot, not by car/ bike, etc.
White stripes on the road. People can cross the road on it.
A place where you can park a car.
An area which people use for walking.
A sign on the road.
A name of a job. This person watches the traffic and makes it safe.
ex.2 p.26 Match
walk straight
run onto
talk to
walk on
lean out of
G a seat belt
F across the road
E both ways
D the road
C the driver
B the pavement
A the window
Wear a seat belt – пристёгивать ремень безопасности
Walk straight across the road – идти прямо через дорогу
Look both ways – смотреть по сторонам
Run onto the road – выбегать на дорогу
Talk to the driver – разговаривать с водителем
Walk on the pavement – идти по тротуару
Lean out of the window – высовываться из окна
ex.2 p.26 What is safe?
walk straight
run onto
talk to
walk on
lean out of
G a seat belt
F across the road
E both ways
D the road
C the driver
B the pavement
A the window
ex.2 p.26 It is safe. Do this!
Wear a seat belt!
Walk straight across the road!
Look both ways!
Walk on the pavement!
ex.2 p.26 What is dangerous?
walk straight
run onto
talk to
walk on
lean out of
G a seat belt
F across the road
E both ways
D the road
C the driver
B the pavement
A the window
ex.2 It’s dangerous! Don’t do this!
Don’t run onto the road!
Don’t talk to the driver!
Don’t lean out of the window!
Повелительное наклонение образуется с помощью глагола без подлежащего и всегда обращено ко 2-му лицу единственного или множественного числа (Sit down.Take your books.)
The Imperative
Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью «Do not/Don’t» и смыслового глагола (Do not/Don’t talk to him.)
The Imperative
Повелительное наклонение используется для того, чтобы
- отдать приказание (Stop that noise!);
- проинструктировать кого-либо (Cut the paper into two pieces.)
- предложить что-либо (Have some cake.)
- выразить просьбу (не забывайте про слово «please» в начале или конце предложения (Be quiet, please.Please be quiet.) Обратите внимание на запятую перед словом «please» в конце предложения.
Underline the key words in statements 1-3. Listen and choose the correct answer.
1. Paula and David are
A in the car.
B it the school playground.
C on the street.
2. The zebra crossing is
A quite far.
B between the bus and a
parked car.
C safe.
3. David tells Paula to
A look both ways.
B make sure the road is clear.
C go quickly to the other side.