Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Приборное оборудование"
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Radio-electronic equipment (REO) of the aircraft according to its functional purpose is divided into three groups:
radio communication (RSO)
radio navigation (RNO)
Radio location(RLO)
THE RSO provides:
Two-way telephone communication between aircraft and with ground control points
intra-aircraft communication between crew members, as well as listening to signals of radio navigation devices
Composition of the RSO:
1 Command VHF radio station
is designed for telephone radio communication of the aircraft crew with ground control gear and other aircraft in the air, as well as for transmitting and receiving telecode information in the frequency telegraph mode
transceiver with power supply – on the radio floor
pilot's control panel – on the upper shield of pilots
radio operator's control panel – on the radio operator's panel, designed for remote control of the radio station from the radio operator's seat using a dial device
RNO provides:
determining the location of the aircraft
search for aircraft and crews in distress and made an emergency landing
measurement of navigation parameters necessary for aircraft navigation
planting regardless of weather conditions, time of year and day
RLOs provide
overview of the earth's surface and air situation, responds to code requests from ground-based radar interrogators.
Composition of the RLO:
radar station
radar receiver of beacons
radiation warning system