Открытый урок в рамках конкурса Учитель года 22-23 (школьный этап) в 6 кл на тему Endangered Animals

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On the first picture I see a … .
It lives in ….
It can … , but it can’t …
Picture number two is a … . It lives in the … . It can …, but it can’t … .
WHY are these animals under the threat of extinction?
To use in the pharm industry
To make fur clothes
To make stuffed animals (чучело) to decorate houses
To make cosmetics
To cure some diseases with the help of (лечить заболевания)
To sell fur of animals to other countries
To explore new areas (осваивают новые территории) and beaches
To pollute earth, water and air
To hunt animals
To use animals in food industry
Manor school chooses our “charity of the year”
This year we're trying to raise £10000 for our ‘charity of the year’ – WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). WWF is an international organisation that protects wildlife around the world. It's trying to help endangered animals like rhinos, dolphins and pandas. A lot of these animals are disappearing because their habitats are changing, or because hunters are killing them. Many of them are also suffering because of pollution.
Here at Manor School we're doing a lot of sponsored events this year to raise money. The students in class 3E are doing a sponsored swim with sharks. But don’t worry – they aren’t swimming with dangerous sharks! The swim is part of a WWF campaign to protect sharks in the sea around Scotland. These sharks are called ‘basking sharks’ and they aren’t dangerous to humans.
We’re also doing lots of other things to help WWF this year. For example, Year 10 students are adopting endangered animals like tigers and elephants. Unfortunately they can’t take them home with them, but they have got photos. So, what are YOU doing to save endangered animals? If you want to know more, go to the WWF website (www.wwf.org). And if you want to help, contact our biology teacher, Mr.Wright.
Essential vocabulary
Wildlife [ˈwaɪldlaɪf] - дикая природа
Disappearing [dɪsəˈpɪərɪŋ] - исчезающий
Habitat [ˈhæbɪtæt] – место обитания
Suffer [ˈsʌfə] –страдать
Sponsored events [ˈspɒnsəd] [ɪˈvents] – спонсорские мероприятия
Sponsored swims – спонсорские заплывы
Basking sharks – гигантские акулы
Adopt [əˈdɒpt] - брать под опеку, принимать, усыновлять