Презентация по английскому языку" История создания телефона" (9 класс)
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Презентация для классов "Презентация по английскому языку" История создания телефона" (9 класс)" онлайн бесплатно на сайте электронных школьных презентаций uchebniki.org.ua
The Invention
Of The Telephone
The telephone is one of the greatest inventions in history. Early telephones were nothing like the ones we have today. Telephone is the Greek word for “far sound.” This is how the telephone became what it is today.
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, with the help of his assistant Thomas A. Watson. Mr. Bell was originally from Scotland and came to Boston, Massachusetts in 1872. Mr. Bell got the idea for the telephone from a German inventor, Hermann von Helmholz.
Mr. Bell invented the telephone by accident when he was trying to invent a device that could send more than one telegram at the same time. Mr. Watson and Mr. Bell were both practicing their musical instruments in separate rooms. Bell spilled some polishing liquid on himself and said over the telephone, “Mr. Watson, come here, I want you.” Mr. Bell also invented the microphone and the speaker.
The first telephone didn’t have a bell, so the caller had to tap the phone with a hammer to let the receiver know a call was being sent to them. It was Thomas Watson who invented the bell.
The first telephone operators only answered the phone when they felt like it. The operator would pick up the phone and say, “Number please.” If the number wasn't busy, the operator took a chord and plugged it into a switchboard. This connected the caller to the number. The operator system changed because there were too many people with telephones, and it cost too much money to have that many operators working.
These first operators needed to have good memories to know which people went with which plugs.
In the 1880’s in Lowell, Massachusetts, there was a measles epidemic. The doctors were worried that if all the operators got the measles, then nobody would be able to control the telephone operating system. A doctor suggested that rather than relying on operator’s memories, each person should be assigned a number. This is how the telephone number came into play.
The Bell Telephone Company was founded by Alexander Graham Bell in 1877 to build a nationwide telephone system. By 1881, there were 132,700 Bell telephones in homes. By 1930, 15,193,000 phones were in service.
The telephone became one of the most popular methods of communication. People wrote fewer letters and visited less often.
Mr. Watson and Mr. Bell were the first people, on January 15, 1915, to make a transcontinental call. A transcontinental call is a phone call made from one side of the country to another. Bell was in New York and Watson was in California. Bell repeated his famous line “Watson, come here, I want you.” Watson replied, “It would take me a week to get there now.”
The pushbutton telephone was invented in 1941. Then a transmitter was invented by Walter Hauser Britain in 1947 to amplify the sound across the wires. This meant calls could be sent longer distances. The first active satellite for telephones was launched in 1962. It was called Echo I and it orbited the earth once every 157 hours. This was important because telephone calls could now be made across oceans without relying on under-sea cables which broke frequently and were sometimes snacks for sharks! In 1964, a non-moving satellite was launched into space. Touch tone service became available in 1963.
A phone call works by going through the telephone wire and then to a radio wave. The radio wave sends it to the nearest transmitter, which sends it to the nearest telephone wire of the person receiving the call. To transmit calls, they used to use copper wires. Today, fiber optic cables and laser lights are used.