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Basic English Grammar - Azar Betty, Hagen Stacy

Basic English Grammar - Azar Betty, Hagen Stacy - Класс учебник | Академический школьный учебник скачать | Сайт школьных книг учебников uchebniki.org.ua
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Basic English Grammar - Azar Betty, Hagen Stacy:
Basic English Grammar by Betty Azar, Third Edition is a developmental skills text for students of English as a second or foreign language. Serving as both a reference and a workbook, it introduces students to the form, meaning, and usage of basic structures in English. It provides ample practice through extensive and varied written and oral exercises. This third edition’s range of contents provides a solid core of basic English grammar for lower-level or beginning students. It includes numerous new exercises with, at the end of each chapter, cumulative review exercises that include additional communicative and interactive student-centered tasks. Some of the new features of this edition include: - Greatly increased speaking practice through extensive use of pair and group work - The addition of structure-focused listening exercises throughout - More activities that provide "real communication" opportunities in the real-time, real-place context in the classroom - Available with Answer

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