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English Collocations in Use. Intermediate - Michael McCarthy and Felicity O'Dell

English Collocations in Use. Intermediate - Michael McCarthy and Felicity O'Dell - Класс учебник | Академический школьный учебник скачать | Сайт школьных книг учебников uchebniki.org.ua
2005, 2017
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English Collocations in Use. Intermediate - Michael McCarthy and Felicity O'Dell:
A good knowledge of collocations (typical word combinations) is essential for fluent and natural-sounding English. Using collocations will improve your style of written and spoken English, and knowledge of collocations is often tested in examinations such as Cambridge FCE, CAE, CPE and IELTS. Learning correct word combinations will also help you avoid common learner errors. English Collocations in Use presents and practises hundreds of collocations in typical contexts. It is ideal for students at good intermediate level and above. Using collocations will improve your style of written and spoken English: - Instead of 'a big amount', say 'a substantial amount' - Instead of 'think about the options', say 'consider the options' Using collocations will make your English sound more natural: - Instead of 'get ill', say 'fall ill' - Instead of 'a big fine', say 'a heavy fine' Using collocations will help you avoid common learner errors: - Instead of 'do a choice', say 'make a choice' -

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