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World Pass Advanced - Susan Stempleski

World Pass Advanced - Susan Stempleski - Класс учебник | Академический школьный учебник скачать | Сайт школьных книг учебников uchebniki.org.ua
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World Pass Advanced - Susan Stempleski:
To help students expand their fluency, World Pass focuses on dynamic vocabulary building, essential grammar, and stimulating listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that emphasize the language they need for real world communication. - World Pass Book: A "Vocabulary Builder" activity helps learners expand vocabulary through the use of particular vocabulary-building tools, such as learning to use word families, root words, or compound nouns. "Language Focus" sections highlight essential grammar points and provide opportunities for fluency practice through a wide variety of communicative activities. For added conversation fluency practice, each "Listening" section ends with an "Ask & Answer" discussion task. Each "Speaking" section presents a specific speaking skill or strategy and an open-ended communicative task to help expand fluency. The "Reading" and "Writing" sections provide instruction and practice with the types of tasks and skills that upper-level students

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