Key for Schools Result. Student's Book. Workbook - Quintana Jenny

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Key for Schools Result. Student's Book. Workbook - Quintana Jenny:
Contents Family and friends page 8 How do you get to school? page 14 What would you like? page 20 Somewhere to live page 28 My favourite animal page 34 Free time page 40 In the countryside page 48 What do you want to be? page 54 Going away page 60 Let's go out! page 66 Different languages page 74 How do you feel? page 80 The modern world page 86 What are you reading? page 92 Exam Overview Introduction Cambridge English: Key (KET) for Schools corresponds со Level One in the Cambridge ESOL five-level system. It also corresponds to CEFR level two (A2). There are three papers in the examination: Reading and Writing, Listening, and Speaking. There is no minimum pass mark for individual papers. The Reading and Writing Paper carries 50% of the total marks, and Listening and Speaking each carry 25% of the total marks. Candidates need to score 70 to achieve a passing grade. The format and level of the exam is identical to Cambridge English: Key (KET). Paper 1 Reading and Writing (1 hour 10
- Рубрика: Английский язык / Дополнительно Английский
- Автор: Quintana Jenny
- Язык: Русский
- Год: 2013
- Класс: -
- Просмотров: 322